Fast Photonics demos
800G & 400G
transceivers at OFC 2024
Fast Photonics demostrates 1.6T, 800G SR8 / DR8 & LPO, plus 400G SR8/SR4/DR4 transceivers at OFC 2024, San Diego, USA, those multimode and singlemode products supporting OSFP-XD, OSFP, QSFP-DD and QSFP112 form factors.
At present, 1.6T OSFP-XD DR8 is in sampling phase, and 1.6T OSFP DR8 will be in sampling phase in June. 800G OSFP DR8 and LPO series are in small volume production in May.
800G OSFP SR8 and 400G OSFP SR4 transceivers has successfully passed the stringent requirements for transmission and autobiography, that applies to 800 Gbit/s IB switches and CX7 adaptors in the respectively. Following the release of 400G DR4 and 400G FR4, the 800G DR8 is going to be lanuched from December this year.